28 augustus 2008


Our success recipe for a juicy Agora club:
Working towards our Charter on 24th of May 2008
1. Unite some enthusiastic senior members of Ladies’
Circle together with a few good friends. This results
in an immediate explosion of great ideas and
friendship. Have some white wine at hand!
2. Make sure you add 2 spicy Godmother clubs, a flavorful National board for
depth, and marinate the whole for a few months in white wine.
3. Design a hip logo, fix charter date and -place, start organizing for the charter
day and send out invitations. Feel free to add some unexpected ingredients
and spoon in a generous label of humor. Toast on it with white wine!
4. Plan lots and lots of activities during the year before the charter day, to make
sure the members are well drenched with the spicy Agora-Aroma. Of course
do not forget to sprinkle regularly with white wine and let simmer to get a
deep, warm flavor.
5. When the Charter day finally arrives, you will be very pleased to notice that
the rich nuances and exciting mix of characters simmered into a wonderful
well balanced unity. Always be aware that you need every single ingredient
to keep everything perfectly in balance. And if the pan would catch fire
anyway? Quickly extinguish it with… white wine!
Do not be afraid to add some exotic flavors as
well, it makes it only more interesting !
Allow unexpected surprises …they guarantee some of the best and most
crazy experiences!
6. With this tasty and delicious result you can be absolutely sure you can cope
with the future: Time to let others benefit of your 5 recipe, by giving
them generous service and financial help. Feel free to cheer on it with a nice
glass of white wine!
7. And finally: the doors will always be wide open, and the white wine will always
be chilled in Lokeren! So welcome anytime!
Veerle De Jonge
Chef de cuisine Agora 7 Lokeren-Waasland